Bring ‘The Prayer Book for Tired Parents’ to Your Parish! (Ave Maria Radio)

Thank you, Vanessa Denha-Garmo and Ave Maria Radio for welcoming me to Catholic Connection this morning!

You can listen to the full interview here. I have known Teresa Tomeo since my early days as a TV Series/Live Show Producer for EWTN. While I was sad to not chat with her today (after just seeing her recently at the March for Life in D.C.), it was a treat to meet Vanessa Denha-Garmo, who was guest hosting for Teresa. Vanessa is the host of Epiphany on Ave Maria Radio, and as a fellow parent, we shared many of the same concerns about raising our children to love our Catholic faith.

Not only that, but we also discussed the necessity of parents encouraging and supporting each other in parenthood. Vanessa mentioned that “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” is well-suited for a mom group book study, or as a parish-wide resource, and I COULD NOT AGREE MORE!

Can you imagine how parishes would be transformed if every parent had access to an easy-to-read, practical guide to prayer and living their Catholic faith to the fullest?

Can you imagine if parishes had “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” available for every family?

If every Catholic school gifted “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” to every students’ parents?

If every pastor gave “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” to every set of parents who presented a child for baptism?

This would change the Church.

Dave and I want to make this happen!

If you are interested in getting copies for your parish, PLEASE USE THE CONTACT PORTAL TO REACH OUT, and Dave and I will connect you with our team to get you a generous discount.

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