What role do parents play in their kids' vocation discernment? How do you know if your kid has a vocation to the priesthood or religious life? And what can you do to foster vocations in your home?
Category: EWTN
Why I Burst Into Tears While Co-Hosting EWTN’s March for Life Coverage
For me, this emotion-evoking post hits closer to home. In mid-2018, when I was 14 weeks pregnant, I woke up one morning to a gush of blood. I was home alone with our 2-year-old, and at first couldn't get ahold of Dave.
A Pathway to Peace for Tired Parents (EWTN News Nightly)
Thank you to Tracy Sabol, Kate Ford, and the entire production staff of EWTN News Nightly for welcoming Dave and me on Friday’s program! I’ve been doing a lot of the interviews while Dave works, and I’m thrilled he was able to join me for this one. He’s the better half! 🙂 Speaking of news,...
‘Lord, I love you!’ How Pope Benedict’s Final Words Teach Us to Pray
“If you follow the will of God, you know that in spite of all the terrible things that happen to you, you will never lose a final refuge. You know that the foundation of the world is love, so that even when no human being can or will help you, you may go on, trusting in the One that loves you.”
Working Through Trials in Parenting (EWTN Radio’s Women Made New)
I have looked up to Crystalina for a LONG. TIME. In fact, it was in my senior year of college when I was reading her book, “How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul,” that I met Dave (and “the rest is history,” as they say!). In all seasons of my life, she’s been...
Seeing Our Book In-Person for the FIRST TIME! + Gratitude for an Amazing Boss
When I walked in to the EWTN Religious Catalogue Gift Shop, I was THRILLED to see this display of “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents,” – it’s WILD seeing your book in real life, in a real store, with real people buying it! What also was amazing to see was our book displayed next to...
The ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of Holiness for Parents (EWTN Bookmark)
Did the President of EWTN refer to us as "the Barbie and Ken of Catholicism" - and did I admit to him there are times where I'm home with the kids, working full-time, telling myself there's no way I can do it?
‘Prayers for Pooped Parents’ (Women of Grace)
What a treat to join Johnnette Williams on ‘Women of Grace’ this week! I’ve known her almost the entire time I’ve worked at the Network – when I moved to Birmingham in September of 2013, I was onboarded by her line producer; I field-produced EWTN’s coverage of the 2015 World Meeting of Families, which she...
I Didn’t Want to Write a Book.
"Jesus, if you want this book to happen, you're going to have to blow open all the doors, because I am NOT going to push for this." Here's what God did.
‘You’re Always ‘At Home with Jim and Joy”
“You’re an important part of the family. You’re always ‘At Home with Jim and Joy.” This week, Jim Pinto welcomed Dave and me back as guests on “At Home with Jim and Joy” to discuss practical ways for parents to grow in holiness and to help their children do the same. Our first appearance together...