While the rest of the world prepares to start fresh in 2025, pledges to eat better, exercise, and read more books often get the limelight. I encourage my fellow Christians to take an honest look at behaviors and actions that not only hurt ourselves, but also negatively affect families, neighbors, and colleagues.
Category: Living the Faith
5 Ways to Maximize Your Generosity, Even When Money Is Tight
If you're feeling stretched this season, you're not alone. It seems as though everyone is in need of extra funding, extra resources, and extra gifts for kids who would otherwise go without. How can we as Catholic families maximize our giving without putting our own families out this Christmas?
12 Delightful, Faith-Filled Stories to Enjoy as a Family This Season
'Tis the season for cold nights and warm pajamas – the perfect time to cozy up with your children and enjoy some heartwarming stories together! I’ve curated a list of my family’s favorites, which is featured on ChurchPop this week.
Tips for a Peaceful Advent and Christmas
It's supposed to be "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year," but it's also, ironically, a season when parents lose their peace. Here are some practical ways to regain - and sustain - the peace during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
All Saints Day: Easy, No-Sew Costumes for Girls
All Saints Day is quickly approaching! If you’re still unsure how to dress your family for All Saints Day, and are secretly a bit intimidated because you can’t sew or don’t have time to sew, this is the list for you.
Tired Parent Tips for the Triduum
Holy Week is hard, especially for tired parents. Here's why you should do your best to make the most of this important week. But first, a story...
4 Reasons to Teach Your Kids About the Saints
There are countless children's stories out there. Why should we care so much about exposing our kids to the stories of the saints? Well, I'm going to use St. Philomena (the story, as told by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher) to make a few points:
Book Review: ‘The Snail and the King’ inspires the littlest creatures to persevere
*This post has been updated with links to EWTN Religious Catalogue. I do not receive commission for using this link or for sales generated from this link.*This post does not contain affiliate links and is not a paid promotion or ad. When Fr. Peregrine Fletcher, O. Praem. sent our family a complimentary preview copy of...
Why We Buy Christmas Presents in September + Practical Ways to Have a Peaceful Advent
There are only a few certain things in life – death, taxes, and Christmas falling on December 25 every year. I’m mostly joking. People have figured out ways to bypass taxes. But Christmas will ALWAYS be on December 25. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to us when the holiday season rolls around at the...
A Prayer for YOUR Parish Priest!
Did you know that the heart of St. John Vianney is incorrupt? That’s right. The heart of the patron saint of parish priests, who lived centuries ago, has not decomposed. This is the heart that belonged to a little boy who admired the bravery of priests and nuns in the midst of the French Reign of Terror; Catholics, especially clergy, faced extreme persecution and death during the French Revolution and had to practice their Faith in secret...