‘You’re Always ‘At Home with Jim and Joy”

“You’re an important part of the family. You’re always ‘At Home with Jim and Joy.”

This week, Jim Pinto welcomed Dave and me back as guests on “At Home with Jim and Joy” to discuss practical ways for parents to grow in holiness and to help their children do the same. Our first appearance together was in 2015 when we announced that we were pregnant with Gigi, who at the time was known to the world as “Baby Cowden.”

The Pintos have always made us feel “At Home.” I was the founding producer of the show from 2014-2016. During that time, I saw firsthand the fruits of a loving, holy marriage – the Pintos are the real deal when it comes to uplifting life, marriage, and family. I was only newly engaged when the show launched, and I had no idea how much I would learn from them!

Dave was fond of them from the beginning too – Jim and Joy both have a gift of being welcoming, personable, and truly loving – they are nurturing and warm to everyone who crosses their path. Who WOULDN’T be fond of them?

When our eldest was born in mid-2016, I stepped away from my career as a producer in order to work in digital media for EWTN. Even though I was not working directly with Jim and Joy anymore, they continued to be just as loving and generous with me as before.

And now, three kids, 500 miles, and a new book later, they’re still sharing their love with us.

Being with Jim and Joy truly is being “At Home.”

Enjoy parts 1 and 2 of my conversation with Jim (Joy was out recovering from surgery):

Our first visit as a couple to the “Pinto House” in December 2015, announcing Baby Cowden!

Thank you, Jim and Joy, for always welcoming us as part of the family!

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