Take Your Kids to Mass! (Catholic Community Radio)

What a treat to join Gaby Smith of the Wake Up! morning show on Catholic Community Radio in Louisiana! Catholic Community Radio is an EWTN Radio Affiliate, and it was a pleasure to discuss “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” with a fellow tired parent who is part of the EWTN Family.

What stands out about this interview is the emphasis on taking kids to Mass – it’s hard! And it can be discouraging to feel like the kids aren’t getting anything out of Mass, or YOU aren’t getting anything out of Mass – but you ARE. You are bringing your children to Mass, and we have to believe that God rewards us for that effort – even if it means we’re in the cry room or standing in the back of the church the entire time.

You can listen to the interview here (the segment on “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” begins at about 37:30, but feel free to enjoy the entire episode!).

And if you know of a tired parent who could use some encouragement, “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” is filled with insight on the purpose of our vocation as parents, as well as practical tips to make prayer time more peaceful.

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