Special thank you to Andrew Reinhart, host of Physically Spiritual and old-time friend of the Cowdens, for welcoming me to his show.
You can watch the full episode on the Physically Spiritual YouTube Channel.
How does a mom “do it all” in motherhood?
I’ve shared my secrets here.
But here’s the spoiler: I actually don’t do it all. I can’t. And once I figured out I can’t do it all, (and that I didn’t have to pretend I was doing it all), my life became a lot easier.
Historically and anthropologically speaking, I don’t know where women got the idea that they had to “do it all,” but that’s the goal for so many moms – we want to have a Pinterest-perfect home, perfectly groomed and well-mannered kids, postcard-worthy vacations, and so on – and to never ask for help accomplishing any of that – but that’s not what God has planned for us at all. In fact, what God desires is our holiness.
In our pursuit of those impossible standards, we face burnout, resentment, discouragement, and isolation.
So when I realized I didn’t have to live this way, and that I didn’t have to do it all alone, I started changing the way I lived my life:
I stopped stress-scrolling on social media, which wasted tons of time.
I stopped overcommitting to outside activities and obligations.
I stopped being a control freak about organization and the kids’ homeschool lessons.
I stopped nagging my husband about everything.
I stopped plaguing my mind and heart with drama.
And I started prioritizing prayer for myself and my family.
I started committing to putting my family’s needs before my own wants.
I started inviting my husband into my goals for our family life, giving him a chance to show he’s capable (and ladies, we seriously need to do better to not emasculate our husbands!).
I started focusing on gratitude in my marriage and family.
And I opened my mind and heart to God’s blessings – because there are SO MANY.
This is a radical mindset shift in womanhood and motherhood, and it’s changed our family life.
I elaborate on this in the interview with Andrew, which I hope you find valuable! And I hope you get yourself a copy of The Prayer Book for Tired Parents: Practical Ways to Grow in Love of God and Get Your Family to Heaven, because offer more insight on how parents can change their lives to put God first, develop healthy and sustainable habits of prayer, and experience God’s peace in the home.