Yesterday, I had such a delightful conversation with Christine Rossi, host of “A Light in the World” on Radio Maria. We discussed everything from getting kids through Mass to the practical ways to make prayer an integrated part of a parents’ day.
She also asked me to offer FIVE concrete ways parents can immediately start to work toward peace in their homes. These are what I mentioned:
- Enthroning the Sacred Heart of Jesus as King of your home
- Having your home blessed
- Going to Confession (you can’t get to heaven if you’re not in a state of grace!)
- Praying the Rosary as a family DAILY
- Daily Mass or Adoration at least one additional day per week
We also went over the Examination of Conscience for Tired Parents and explained WHY it’s so important to go through this examen daily and why it’s important to scrutinize how we behave, especially in front of our children.
You can listen to the entire interview on Radio Maria’s website, and you can get “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents: Practical Ways to Grow in Love of God and Get Your Family to Heaven” through EWTN Religious Catalogue or Sophia Institute Press!