Thank you to Fr. Rob Jack, host of “Driving Home the Faith” on Sacred Heart Radio, for interviewing me this week!
Speaking of “driving home,” Dave was on his way home from work at the time of the interview, or he would have loved to have joined. We live in Sacred Heart Radio’s listening area, and chatting with Fr. Rob was just like catching up with old friends.
One important point that came up during our discussion is the paradox of grace – that it not only brings with it the ability to rest in God’s peace, but it also invigorates us to go out and do God’s will. Truly, the best of both worlds!
We also touch on some of the Cowdens’ favorite prayers and reflections included in “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents.” God desires to give us the grace to be good, holy parents – we have to ask for that grace though!
You can listen to the full show here (thanks to their place-markers, you can easily find the start of the interview), and be sure to listen to the entire show too!
Update: An encore of the interview aired on Wednesday, 12/21, which you can listen to here.