A Pathway to Peace for Tired Parents (EWTN News Nightly)

Thank you to Tracy Sabol, Kate Ford, and the entire production staff of EWTN News Nightly for welcoming Dave and me on Friday’s program! I’ve been doing a lot of the interviews while Dave works, and I’m thrilled he was able to join me for this one. He’s the better half! 🙂

Speaking of news, here’s a newsflash: Raising kids is hard! And raising kids to be HOLY is even harder! But it’s our call as Christian parents – to raise our children for heaven.

That’s why it’s so important to Dave and me to spread the word about “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents” as much as possible.

Parents need encouragement.

They need empathy.

And they need a sustainable plan for prioritizing God amidst all the other worldly duties.

Even though Dave and I thought we were “pretty solid Catholics” before getting married, we had no idea how the practice of our faith would change after having kids.

We were completely shell-shocked by the lack of time, energy, patience, and will-power.

Shocked that a little baby could bring such big challenges.

And we’ve been hearing about other parents who felt the same way.

Take heart, tired parent. There IS a way to live a life that is oriented toward heaven: to prioritize God in everyday life; to establish good habits of prayer and worship; and to truly experience God’s peace in your home!

If you or a parent you know could use some encouragement, Dave and I would love to send a copy of “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents: Practical Ways to Grow in Love of God and Get Your Family to Heaven” with a personalized note. Just use the contact page to let us know who needs it and where to send it (for $28, tax and shipping included), and we’ll take care of the rest.

God desires your holiness – He made you for it!

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