This is ‘The Tangent’ You’ll Want to Hear (Veritas Catholic Radio)

“Reading your book kind of kicked my butt a little bit.” – Matt Sperrazza, co-host of The Tangent on Veritas Catholic Radio (an EWTN Radio Affiliate!)

We all need a kick in the butt in our spiritual lives, don’t we?

I’m so glad Matt (a newlywed with his first baby on the way!) mentioned this, because it’s the very point Dave and I wanted to make with “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents.”

Too often, we are caught up in our careers, our everyday lives, our social engagements, our kids’ extracurricular activities – that we forget the reason we exist: to know, love, and serve God.

We forget that every moment belongs to Him.

We forget to order our days around that reality.

We forget to pray – until we need something from God.

When I go on such a tangent, it’s not coming from a place of judgment – in fact, it’s coming from a place of empathy: Dave and I have been there too! We’ve had our priorities mixed up. We’ve neglected to pray as we should. And we’ve experienced the chaos that comes from trying to do things our own way instead of God’s way.

We’ve had plenty of “butt kicks” of our own, and it’s now our hope that sharing about our own shortcomings will help other parents avoid the mess we had created for ourselves.

What a treat to be able to share about this with Fr. Sam Kachuba and Matt Sperrazza on Veritas Radio. Fr. Sam is pastor of a parish in Connecticut, and as I mentioned above, Matt is expecting his first baby – he also works two jobs and is in grad school (he’s tired and his baby hasn’t even been born yet!). Both had quite a lot to contribute to the conversation about making prayer a priority, building good habits, and surrounding yourself with people who also are trying to be holy.

You can listen to the full episode here. Ahhhh it’s so good! But the TL;DR version is: You CAN be a holy parent, even if you’re a TIRED parent.

Thank you, Fr. Sam and Matt, for spending time with me, and thank you, Veritas Catholic Radio, for the work you do to fortify souls in Connecticut and beyond!

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