What role do parents play in their kids’ vocation discernment? How do you know if your kid has a vocation to the priesthood or religious life? And what can you do to foster vocations in your home?
These are all questions we tackled in The Catholic Sphere, where I got to pick the brains of Crystalina Evert of Women Made New, Kendra Tierney of Catholic All Year, and Sr. John Dominic Rasmussen of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.
You can watch the full episode here. It’s also embedded below.
I can’t stress enough how important vocation discernment is – the means by which your child learns to listen to God’s call for how they will spend their life in service to God, growing in love of Him. It’s more important than any athletic or academic honors, any career path, or any worldly admiration. How is God calling your child to sainthood?
As a tired parent, your time and mental bandwidth are limited. If you focus on nothing else, focus on your child’s holiness and relationship with Christ.
In this episode, you’ll hear a bit about Sr. John Dominic’s vocation story (which is really cool!), and how God was planting seeds at a young age. You’ll also hear from Kendra and Crystalina about the importance of praying for your kids and teaching them to appreciate silence and listening to God in the stillness.
There’s so much wisdom in this episode – I know I plan to continue going back to it as my kids get older. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
And if you want more practical ways to help your family grow in love of God so they can rejoice with Him in heaven, get “The Prayer Book for Tired Parents,” written with love by Dave and me for parents like you!